Meadow Center Renovation Project - Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids will be received by DELAWARE-MORROW MENTAL HEALTH & RECOVERY SERVICES BOARD (DMMHRSB), 40 North Sandusky Street, Suite 301, Delaware, OH 43015 until 2:00 PM, Friday, April 7, 2023, and will be opened and read publicly immediately thereafter for the DMMHRSB Meadow Center Renovation. Bids are to be according to the plans and specifications, dated March 8, 2023, prepared by MSA Design. The total estimated cost for materials and labor for the Project is $6,500,000.
Contract Documents are available beginning at 2:00 PM on March 8, 2023, from ARC Document Solutions, 1159 Dublin Road, Suite 300, Columbus, OH 43215; phone: (614) 224-5149,
A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held March 21, 2023, at 2:00 PM at the project location: Meadow Center, 950 Meadow Drive, Mount Gilead, OH 43338. Inquiries concerning these plans and specifications shall be directed via email to the Architect, MSA Design, attn: Seizan Lindstrom,
Any written addendum will be sent to all plan holders.